Playing the game...
I thought I should write this review to comment on the game, but also to help people play.
Instructions to people1: The top edge of the broom is used to hit things. The middle of the straw will not work. It has to be the top.
Criticism to author1: Make it the middle of the broon, or alert people that the top is what is used. People will expect it to be the middle of the broom.
Instructions to people2: The items bob upwards. Hitting the items will cause them to stop bobbing up and to head down. They will NOT drop down immediately, but will go at the angle they were heading already. So, hitting items that are going left will cause them to descend left, while items hit while going right will descend right. They descend like an arrow shot.
Criticism to author2: This feature isn't made apparent either. From the instructions, peole expect them to fall immediately. Either make them fall immediately, or give a creative reason they descend instead of fall. You could say that the items represent "support" (both good and bad) that people are throwing, and that they "lean" from one side to the other. Or something like that.
It's an okay game, but if it's political, it needs more. Explain why each team has the members it does.
Personally, I think the ones attacking Israel have most of the blame. Israel has some blame, but the majority of it is the rocket attackers' fault. I am not anti-arab. I would like both sides to compromise. And I mean BOTH sides. I am sympathetic to the Israelis and Arabs.
I'll not say more here, since this is a game review. Anyone who wants to talk more should PM me.
Note to the author: Maybe you can make a game that shows sympathy to Israelis and Arabs. Since they seem to be opposing each other, it would be sad and accurate commentary on the fighting: I want to root for both peoples, but the fighting causes conflict within me.
I hope to see the game improved. And for the fighting to end.