I found this to be terrible to watch. It had embarassngly bad dialogue, terrible voice acting, and a poor story. I also don't want to watch it again for a good long while, it was so cringe-inducing.
Why the high score, then? Because it does its job well; it is both a parody and satire of anime.
Parodies make fun of things. Taking a well known scene and adding a twist for purely comedic effect.
Satire makes fun of things, too, but it makes fun of a problem. The idea is that people will see the probems and try to fix them. That's what Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and baby-eating proposal were: satire.
The things that were satired here are common problems in anime, but were taken to an extreme as satire does.
This video makes me want to fix these problems with anime, and that is the goal of satire.
This is a truly great example of satire, whether it was intended or not.
Excellent job on this. I hope to see you two tackle other issues.